14 Questions to … Steve Lang

[caption id="attachment_8429" align="alignnone" width=""]US Masters (with Tara Levy)[/caption]Steve Lang, Snipe sailor and promoter of the Class, from St. Petersburg, Florida - 1) Your first time on a sailing boat? I grew up sailing in Charleston, SC. My earliest memories were sailing in wooden Penguins and Blue Jays about 8 or 9 years old. - 2) Your first time on a Snipe? When I was a graduate student about 1982, I borrowed an old used Snipe and raced on a lake in Valdosta, GA. - 3) The most bizarre thing that happened in a regatta? A few years ago, the photo boat set up between the gate marks. When they realized they were in the way they gunned the motor and came straight at us, caught the end of my boom while my pole hooked the shroud on the boat beside me. We all did a funny pinwheel in the middle of the fleet while the photo boat never slowed up. ...

14 Questions to … Steve Lang Image
US Masters (with Tara Levy)

Steve Lang, Snipe sailor and promoter of the Class, from St. Petersburg, Florida

– 1) Your first time on a sailing boat?

I grew up sailing in Charleston, SC. My earliest memories were sailing in wooden Penguins and Blue Jays about 8 or 9 years old.

– 2) Your first time on a Snipe?

When I was a graduate student about 1982, I borrowed an old used Snipe and raced on a lake in Valdosta, GA.

– 3) The most bizarre thing that happened in a regatta?

A few years ago, the photo boat set up between the gate marks. When they realized they were in the way they gunned the motor and came straight at us, caught the end of my boom while my pole hooked the shroud on the boat beside me. We all did a funny pinwheel in the middle of the fleet while the photo boat never slowed up.

– 4) What is the thing that most angers you in a race/regatta?

People yelling at their boat mate during the race. A boat divided is not sailing their best, and it’s bad for the sport.

– 5) Which is the race/regatta that you remember with the most pleasure?

This is so hard because there are many great memories…but one that stands out for me was the North American’s in Ponce, PR. Despite a lot of setbacks (my crew was in a car wreck the day before we left, we dropped a boat while loading the 12 boat Super Trailer, and a nest of bees invaded the trailer during the trip); I was beginning to think the trip was jinxed. Once on the water the sailing was wonderful. What started as a disaster turned out to be a wonderful regatta with beautiful conditions and great hospitality. We carried a couple of donated boats with us for the USVI fleet, partied on the Ponce waterfront, and enjoyed the beach cookouts that were waiting on competitors when we came ashore. The sailors were not the only ones who had an adventure in PR. Several wives went mountain hiking, got lost, and couldn’t get back to their car. They stopped at a local house and the owners graciously gave them a ride back.

– 6) And the race/regatta you would like to forget?

We started a new winter regatta in sunny Florida called the Gaspar Pirate Regatta and were trying hard to increase attendance. The second year of the race, we had record low temperatures (upper 30’sF) and everyone about froze! It’s still one of the coldest winter days ever in St. Petersburg.

– 7) Your “dream in the peak”? (Your sailing dream?)

I’d like to sail Snipes at all the venues of the interesting people I’ve met.

– 8) Sailing goals for 2014, and beyond?

For 2014, I’d like to get to Piada! Beyond that I want to sail as long at Jerry Thompson and the Old Man!

– 9) The most important people for you in sailing and in the Snipe?

The most important people are all those who volunteer their time and energy to keep the Snipe class going. There are too many to name.

– 10) Why the Snipe?

I did not own a Snipe until relatively late in life and I owned several other boats before discovering the Snipe. I think it’s by far the strongest international one-design class for ALL people. I’m still amazed to see the age and weight range sailing Snipes at any given regatta. The boat is a challenge for a lifetime.

– 11) Your perfect sailing venue and your perfect sailing conditions?

Nassau is close to a perfect sailing venue. I also like the idea of one race, come in for lunch by the pool, and go out for the second race of the day.

– 12) Besides sailing which other sport do you practice?

I practice yoga, but right now my only sport is sailing.

– 13) Are you superstitious?


– 14) Your perfect holiday?

I enjoy travel and sight-seeing. When not sailing Snipes, I cruise in sailboats and sometimes charter boats. Some of my favorite sailing vacations were in the BVI’s, Mexico, and Australia.



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