Snipe Bulletin Goes All Digital

Make sure your email address is correct with the Snipe Class so you will receive your digital version. There are several ways:1. When renewing your dues with your National Secretary for 2018, make sure you provide your current email address2. Sign up directly using this link: During the last Board meeting at the recent World Championship in La Coruña, the SCIRA Board made the difficult decision to cease printing and mailing the SNIPE BULLETIN and to move to an all-digital version. The main goal is to reduce the costs of printing and mailing, which was a significant portion of the Class budget. In this way, some of the funds saved can be used for Class promotion and for other projects. The history of the SNIPE BULLETIN is the history of the Class. The Snipe BULLETIN, the link which holds the family together, grew out of Bill Crosby's JIB SHEET which took over Snipe News from the RUDDER magazine in 1945. The BULLETIN began as a monthly publication, with a few combined issues– in its 30-year history. The JIB SHEET had one other editor, Chet Miller, SCIRA'S 1942-43 Commodore. In 1999 the Board of Governors voted to decrease the publication from monthly to quarterly. The BULLETIN has been a full color, quarterly publication since 2006. ...

Snipe Bulletin Goes All Digital Image

Make sure your email address is correct with the Snipe Class so you will receive your digital version. There are several ways:
1. When renewing your dues with your National Secretary for 2018, make sure you provide your current email address
2. Sign up directly using this link:

During the last Board meeting at the recent World Championship in La Coruña, the SCIRA Board made the difficult decision to cease printing and mailing the SNIPE BULLETIN and to move to an all-digital version. The main goal is to reduce the costs of printing and mailing, which was a significant portion of the Class budget. In this way, some of the funds saved can be used for Class promotion and for other projects.

The history of the SNIPE BULLETIN is the history of the Class.

The Snipe BULLETIN, the link which holds the family together, grew out of Bill Crosby’s JIB SHEET which took over Snipe News from the RUDDER magazine in 1945. The BULLETIN began as a monthly publication, with a few combined issues– in its 30-year history. The JIB SHEET had one other editor, Chet Miller, SCIRA’S 1942-43 Commodore. In 1999 the Board of Governors voted to decrease the publication from monthly to quarterly. The BULLETIN has been a full color, quarterly publication since 2006.

In recent years the communication of the Class has evolved with technology and has increasingly transitioned to the internet (e-mails, electronic newsletters, websites, social media, skype …). But the main and official source of information still remains and relies on the SNIPE BULLETIN.

Beginning with the next issue (Winter 2018) we are moving to an all-digital version, which will be e-mailed to all SCIRA members. We currently investigating ways to enhance the digital version with hot links to advertisers, possibly some embedded video and media links as well as other enhancements.

Make sure your email address is correct with the Snipe Class so you will receive your digital version. There are several ways:
1. When renewing your dues with your National Secretary for 2018, make sure you provide your current email address
2. Sign up directly using this link:



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